Sunday, February 6, 2022


2021-22 : Production work

Learners are required to submit the following tasks :

  a screenplay for a short film of between 1600 and 1800 words which includes one of the following:

• a narrative which has a distinct genre 

• a narrator 

• a narrative which has parallel stories

 • a non-linear narrative

Screenplay should closely  follow the standard screenplay format( look at examples ) and should be written in the present tense. 

It can be very descriptive in terms of mise-en-scene and action 
 The screenplay can also describe all elements of film form such sound elements in detail .
Consider issues like dialogue revealing plot and character, narrative structure and narrative tension in your screenplay as well as careful use of all elements of film form you have learnt from other films and screenplays.


a digital storyboard  covering  half of the whole narrative 

 ( approximately 16-20 storyboard shots).    

The storyboard cshould be accurate and relevant in terms of framing, shot type, type of setting  and lighting as well as any intsructions and content about film form . 


A short film of between 4 and 5 minutes which includes at least one of the following  

• a narrative which has a distinct genre 

• a narrator 

• a narrative which has parallel stories

 • a non-linear narrative


An evaluative analysis

Learners can also  complete an evaluative analysis of their production of between 1600 and 1800 words and make reference to some of the  short films selected for study from the compilation set by WJEC 
(at least three short films totalling a minimum of 80 minutes). The evaluative analysis must include:

·          narrative structure of the short films – an analysis of  the narrative features , film form and dramatic qualities of the  short films studied ( at least three from the list, totalling at least 80 minutes ),  highlighting key ideas  of film form and narrative which informed learners' own production.

·         cinematic influences – an analysis of how visual/audio elements of other professionally produced films or screenplays, including short films, influenced their short film or screenplay. If you created a screenplay, this should include mention of at least one screenplay and how it may have influenced dialogue,content and style of script, use of film form, mise-en-scene etc

·         how your own work creates meaning and effect – an evaluative analysis of how your production creates meanings and generates responses for the spectator in relation to other professionally produced films or screenplays, including at least one of the short films studied.

Learners must submit the evaluative analysis in the form of extended writing (which may include sub-headings). It must be word-processed and should be illustrated with screen shots or screenplay extracts. Screenplay extracts used to illustrate the evaluative analysis are excluded from the word count of  1600 – 1800 words.


50 screenplays in various genres

Download or read examples to help with planning content and to refer to in evaluative analysis